
8011 3003 Rolled aluminum sheet for closures

Aluminum closure sheet is one of the rolled products produced by MC Aluminum. It is used for tamper-proof sealing of pressurized and non-pressurized liquids in containers because of its advantages such as light shielding, good sealing, easy processing and decoration. It is widely used in bottle caps, pull-off caps, Ropp caps, etc.

What is rolled aluminum closure sheet?

Rolled aluminum sheet is a process of making aluminum billets into plate-shaped aluminum products through plastic processing methods such as rolling, extrusion, stretching and forging. This process not only includes physical processing of aluminum billets, but also annealing, solution treatment, quenching, natural aging and artificial aging treatment of the finished products to ensure the final performance of the plate. ‌

Aluminium Rolled for Closures

Specifications of aluminum closure sheet:
Dimensions of aluminum closures rolled

8011 3003

Thickness (mm)0.18 - 0.250.18, 0.20+0.005/-0.005
Width (mm)50 - 1250813, 845, 833.8,835+0.5, -0
Length (mm)400 - 1000655,706+0.5, -0
Diagonal difference for sheet (mm)1 max

Coil sizes (mm)OD: 1450 max ID: 75,150,300, 508

Coil density (kg/mm)3.5 max

Offer for thickness and width outside the range may be quoted on specific request
SurfaceMill finish, color coated, chromated, varnished
EarringTypical value: < 2 per cent for >=0.18 mm thickness
Applicationwhite wine bottle caps, red wine bottle caps, cosmetic bottle caps, milk powder caps, pharmaceutical caps, beverage caps, etc.
Advantages of rolled aluminum sheet for closure:

1. Safe and hygienic, non-toxic and odorless

2. Low cost

3. Green and environmentally friendly

4. Good sealing and corrosion resistance

5. Anti-theft opening

6. Excellent processing performance

7. Beautiful appearance

8. Lightweight

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