
5052 pull ring can lid aluminum sheet

The pull-tab can lid material is made of 5052 hard-state aluminum sheet. The material is oxidized to improve its paint adhesion and corrosion resistance. After both sides are air-baked, the can lid is formed and processed.

The aluminum closure sheet used for ring-top can lid materials produced by MC Aluminum can achieve a flat sheet shape, extremely precise thickness control, and can ensure a thickness tolerance of ±0.005mm, ensuring stable post-processing and fully meeting customer needs.

5052 aluminum sheet

Aluminum sheet specifications for pull-tab can lids:
Alloy 5052
TemperH14, H19, H24, H16, H26
Thickness0.1- 0.4mm
Coil ID75mm, 150mm, 300mm, 500mm, etc.
Patternrolling, degreasing, prelubrication, pretreatment, baking
Colorgold, silver, green, etc.

1. The surface is smooth, without color difference, scratches, black oxidation, water stains and other defects

2. Good mechanical properties, not easy to crack due to stamping deformation, and meet the high strength requirements of can cover materials.

3. Small density, light weight and high strength.

4. Environmentally friendly and easy to recycle.

5. Good shape and flatness, meeting the roller coating requirements of different manufacturers.

Production control of aluminum sealing sheets for pull-tab can lids

1. Strictly control the width tolerance.

Thickness tolerance: ±0.01mm (preferably 0.005mm)

Width tolerance: ±1mm

Flatness requirements: height less than 3mm, wave number within 1 meter less than 3;

2. Mechanical properties:

Yield strength: 295-380Mpa;

Tensile strength: 355-420 Mpa;

Elongation: 5.5%;

After baking: Yield strength: 320MPa; Tensile strength: greater than 360MPa; Elongation: =5.5%

3. Shape control:

Combined with the use of rollers, bending rollers, and spray molding, good flatness is controlled to ensure that the thermal machine crown is controlled between 0.1 and 0.8%, and there are no obvious visual waves on the thermal line.

4. Appearance quality:

No edge cracks, neat rolled ends, no staggered pyramids.

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