
Aluminum bottle cap material manufacturer

Aluminum and aluminum alloy bottle cap materials are a new type of bottle cap sealing material. They are not only beautiful and easy to open, but also have the function of preventing counterfeit goods. Therefore, it has been widely used in the sealing packaging of beverage bottles, wine bottles, cosmetic bottles, medicine bottles, etc. at home and abroad.

Aluminum alloy bottle cap material has good deep drawing performance, low ear-making rate, excellent sealing, plasticity and corrosion resistance. Since the aluminum used for bottle caps needs to go through the cap-making process when being processed into bottle caps, there are new requirements for the base material of aluminum bottle caps. The bottle cap material is required to have a flat surface and no rolling marks, scratches or stains, so as to ensure that the bottle cap is easy to print after being formed and that no cracks or creases will occur after processing.

aluminum sheet

Aluminum alloy bottle cap material specifications:
Alloys1060, 3003, 3105, 5052, 8011
TemperH18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H14, H16
Rolling processCC/DC
Surface treatmentrolled surface
Specification tolerance range(mm)
ThicknessThickness toleranceWidth toleranceLength toleranceDiagonal toleranceFlatness
≤500 mm>500 mm
<3 waves/m
Advantages of aluminum sealing plates for bottle cap materials:

1. High and low temperature resistance, meeting the special requirements of high-temperature cooking and sterilization.

2. Good processing performance, easy to process, beautifully made and long service life.

3. Non-toxic and odorless, safe and hygienic, green and environmentally friendly and recyclable.

4. High security, anti-theft enabled.

The market demand for aluminum anti-theft bottle caps is large, and the requirements for various performance parameters of raw materials, including strength, elongation and dimensional deviation, are very strict. MC Aluminum has invested a lot of energy in technical research and development to solve the problem of poor stability and low strength of the aluminum plate used for bottle caps after baking in the cap making process. It has also proposed great improvements to the existing processing technology, making The various performance indicators of aluminum used in bottle caps have reached a higher level.

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