
Aluminum sheet for wine ropp cap

As the raw material for producing wine ROPP caps, aluminum sheet has excellent sealing, durability, and aesthetics, thereby maintaining the quality and freshness of wine. Aluminum ropp caps are widely used in the wine industry.

Common alloys of aluminum sheets for wine caps include AA3105 or AA8011. The thickness range is 0.18-0.25mm, and aluminum sheet painting services can be provided. Painted aluminum sheet is essential for the aesthetics of the product and providing additional anti-corrosion protection.

Will the material of the aluminum cap have a positive impact on the quality of the wine?

The cost of aluminum alloy bottle caps is moderate, the red wine preservation effect is good, leak-proof, beautiful appearance, better sealing, better prevention of oxidation and air leakage, better maintenance of the taste and aroma of wine, and aluminum anti-theft bottle caps can be recycled after use without causing environmental pollution. Aluminum anti-theft bottle caps have gradually replaced the cork market with their own advantages.

Aluminum plate for wine ropp cap

Specifications of aluminum closure sheets for wine bottle caps:
Alloy3105, 8011
TemperH14, H16, H24, H26
Thickness and tolerance0.18-0.25mm (±0.005mm)
Width and tolerance100-1600mm (-0/+0.5mm)
Applicationscrew caps, lids, small bottle seals, easy-tear caps, ropps cap, etc.
Mechanical Property for Direct Casting
Alloy Temper Thickness (mm) U.T.S (Mpa) Elongation (%)
8011H140.15~0.25125~155 >=2
3105H14 0.15~0.25150~200>=1

aluminum closure sheet

Advantages of aluminum sheet for wine sealing:

1. Excellent sealing

2. Anti-tampering

3. Convenient to open and close

4. Non-toxic and tasteless, safe and hygienic

5. Green and environmentally friendly, recyclable

6. Beautiful appearance, good printability

7. Easy to process

8. Low cost

The production process of aluminum anti-theft bottle cap is aluminum sheet - paint printing - stamping - roll printing glazing - knurling - padding - counting packaging

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