
DOS Treated Aluminium Sheet for Closure 8011 3105

DOS-treated aluminum closing sheets are one of the advantages of MC Aluminum. The product surface is smooth and clean, and the ear-making rate is low. It is widely used in bottle packaging fields such as alcohol, beverages, medicine caps, cosmetics, etc., and is exported to North America, South Korea, Southeast Asia, etc. More than 40 countries and regions.

Aluminium closure sheet

DOS oil-coated aluminum closure sheet specifications:
TemperO, H111, H112, H12,H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26
Thickness 0.19-0.23mm
Width 400-1000mm
Surface treatmentThe surface of the aluminum material is treated with phosphate chromate and DOS.
Main usesanti-theft lids, wine lids, PP lids, medicinal lids, cosmetic lids, etc.
Coated aluminum plate printing process for bottle caps:

Bottle cap printing process

Advantages of aluminum sealing sheets for bottle cap closure:

1.Light weight

2. Green, environmentally friendly and recyclable

3.Excellent barrier properties

4.Good formability

5. Provide bright decorative effect

6. High and low temperature resistance, meeting the special requirements of bottle caps that require high-temperature sterilization and cooking.

The DOS oil-coated aluminum closure sheet for bottle cap sealing is our company's advantageous product. This product is food grade, has a flat shape, clean surface, no oil stains, no black bright lines and foreign matter inclusions.

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