
Tinplate aluminum foil easy-tear lid

Tinplate aluminum foil easy-tear lid is a packaging material made of tinplate or aluminum covered with an aluminum foil film. It is mainly used for disposable lids of tinplate cans. Compared with traditional metal lids, it is easier to open, safe and does not hurt your hands. It has the characteristics of beautiful shape, dense surface coating of aluminum foil, excellent barrier properties, and anti-oxidation. Usually used for milk powder can lids, etc.

aluminum foil easy-tear lid

Aluminum foil easy-peel lids are food packaging materials with better barrier properties and moisture-proof properties in theory. Comply with the technical requirements of European national environmental protection standard products to ensure environmental health and safety. The appearance is exquisite, the color is bright, the sealing is tight, and it is easy to tear, which improves the product quality. It is used for high-security packaging of milk powder and snack foods, as well as the packaging of canned foods such as fish, ham, vegetables, fruits, and pet food in daily life.

Aluminum foil easy-tear lids usually use food-grade packaging aluminum foil: 8011-O aluminum foil. This aluminum foil has fewer holes, good barrier properties, good heat-sealing properties, and good tensile strength. The product has no oil stains and a clean surface. The product reaches food grade and can be used at high temperatures. Steaming, safe and hygienic.

Specifications of tinplate aluminum foil easy-peel lid:
8011-0 aluminum foil mechanical properties:
Room temperature tensile test results/not less thanbending radius
Tensile strength Rm/MpaSpecifies non-proportional elongation strength Rp0.2/MPaElongation after break a/%A50mm90°180°

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