
Bird's nest bowl with aluminum foil lid 8011

The bird's nest bowl sealing cover is an indispensable part of the bird's nest packaging. Its main function is to ensure the sealing and moisture-proof properties of the bird's nest to extend its shelf life and taste. The use of 8011 aluminum foil for the aluminum cover of bird's nest bowls can effectively improve the quality and taste of bird's nests. This is determined by the characteristics and advantages of 8011 aluminum foil.

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8011 aluminum foil for aluminum closure cap is commonly used in the O-annealed state, with a thickness range of 0.016-0.5mm. It can be customized according to customer needs. MC Aluminum does not perform subsequent processing processes such as compounding, printing, and gluing, and only provides aluminum foil substrates.

Advantages of using 8011 aluminum foil for sealing bird's nest bowls:

1.8011 aluminum foil has excellent moisture resistance and air tightness, which can effectively protect bird's nests from moisture and oxygen erosion;

2.8011 aluminum foil also has good processing properties and can be easily processed into sealing films of various shapes and sizes, suitable for bird's nest bowls of different specifications;

3.8011 aluminum foil is also non-toxic and tasteless, and will not have any impact on the quality and taste of bird's nests.

4. Environmentally friendly and recyclable.

MC Aluminum is a professional aluminum foil manufacturer, specializing in the production of 8011 aluminum foil for bird's nest bowl sealing lids. In the food field, 8011 aluminum foil can be used for heat sealing foil, lunch box materials, container foil, aluminum foil gaskets for sealing, etc. Its surface is clean No foreign matter, hygiene guaranteed. The company's products have stable quality, short delivery time, direct sales from manufacturers and favorable prices.

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