
High quality requirements for aluminum plates for bottle caps

Aluminum bottle cap material

MC Aluminum is an aluminum bottle cap material manufacturer, producing 8011 aluminum foil bottle cap material, 3105 wine cap material, 1070 aluminum foil bottle cap material, 1060 aluminum foil bottle cap material, 5052 pull cap material, 5182 bottle cap material, etc. It is easy to open, beautiful, and prevents counterfeiting and theft. It is widely used in beverage bottles, wine bottles, cosmetic bottles, medicine bottles and other sealed packaging materials.

In addition to good deep drawing performance and low ear making rate, aluminum alloy bottle cap materials also have certain strength advantages after baking in the cap making process. Aluminum alloy has a natural antioxidant protective layer that can effectively prevent the corrosion of bottle caps in humid or acidic environments. And it has good sealing properties, which can effectively prevent gas leakage and maintain the freshness and quality of the liquid in the bottle.

Aluminum alloy bottle cap material

Specifications of aluminum bottle caps:

Alloy Series8 Series1 Series, 3 Series, 5 Series
0.145-0.3 mm
0.2-0.3 mm
Width400-1600 mm
400-1600 mm
Strip lengthCC
Plate lengthCC

How to ensure the functionality and beauty of bottle caps, meet food safety standards and user needs, there are several aspects:

1. Surface: no serious bubbles, missing coating, scratches, corrosion, oil spots, peeling, stripes, color difference, spots, roller marks, periodicity, etc. that affect the appearance quality of the product are allowed, burrs <= 0.04mm;

2. End face: the end face is neat, rolled tightly without loose layers, staggered layers ≤ 2mm, tower shape ≤ 5mm;

3. Flatness: the strip is not allowed to have obvious waves, the wave height within 1 meter does not exceed 3mm, and the waves do not exceed 3/meter;

4. Side curvature: the side curvature of the product on any 2000mm length should not be greater than 0.5mm;

5. End warping: the height of the end warping of any 1500mm length of product is ≤ 5mm;

6. Joints: no joints are allowed.

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