At present, large-volume injections are directly injected into human veins. Because of their rapid efficacy, they are widely used in medical treatment. Intravenous injections cannot avoid the need to use a large number of infusion bottles. Infusion bottle
Aluminum vial caps are an indispensable and important item in the medical industry, which can ensure the safety and stability of medicines during storage and transportation. The material is 8011-H16 double-sided coated aluminum strip, and the style is a f
The common aluminum alloy cans on the market are composed of three parts: lid, pull ring, and can body. They are made of different alloys, including 5052 lid material,
Aluminum caps, aluminum alloy bottle caps and cosmetic aluminum caps are usually made of 1070 aluminum alloy material. This aluminum alloy has excellent plasticity and processing properties and can be deeply processed to make aluminum covers of various sh
Aluminum closure sheet have excellent deep drawing capabilities and paint adhesion capabilities. These properties guarantee high-quality printing results, giving your bottle caps an impressive surface finish. Shiny bottle caps in many shapes and colors. 1
Aluminum beverage bottle caps are made of high-quality special aluminum alloy materials. Aluminum strip, as a lightweight, high-strength, corrosion-resistant and easy-to-process material, has long been one of the preferred materials for manufacturing beve
In the sealing process of injection bottles, the use of aluminum strips is mainly to ensure the sealing and sterility of injection bottles, so as to protect the drugs from external contamination. The material of aluminum strips is usually made of 8011 H16
Aluminum strip for bottle caps has good processing performance, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, and can meet the requirements of bottle cap manufacturing.
The outer layer of the bottle cap of the intravenous liquid bottle currently used in hospitals is an aluminum cap, and the inner layer is a rubber stopper. The outer aluminum cap is usually made of high-quality aluminum alloy materials, such as 8011, 1060