
Aluminum closure cap production process

Aluminum bottle cap material can be produced by hot rolling or continuous casting and rolling process. Hot rolling is usually used to produce thick aluminum plates, which are then cold rolled to make bottle cap materials. The continuous casting and rolling process is a more advanced production method in recent years, which can produce thinner and high-performance aluminum bottle cap materials. At present, ROPP bottle cap materials mostly use continuous casting and rolling billets, which are better than cast and rolled billets.

Common alloy states of aluminum closure caps:

8011-H14 bottle cap material: This is one of the commonly used aluminum bottle cap materials with good formability and strength. The H14 state means that it has been semi-hard processed, has good ductility, and is suitable for stamping.

3105-H16 bottle cap material: Another common aluminum bottle cap material with high strength and corrosion resistance. The H16 state means that it has been hard processed and has higher strength, which is suitable for bottle caps that require greater strength.

Aluminum alloy bottle cap material

Aluminum alloy bottle cap material production process:

Aluminum ingot casting--heating--hot rolling/continuous casting and rolling--cold rolling--cleaning-coating--slitting--trimming--finished product inspection

Aluminum closure cap production process:

Aluminum plate raw material--punching hole--bottle cap forming--cleaning--glue coating--labeling--drying--cutting--packaging

Aluminum bottle cap material has high quality requirements:

1. The surface of the aluminum bottle cap material must be kept flat, without waves or deformation, otherwise it will affect the quality of stamping.

2. Aluminum bottle caps have strict requirements on the strength and elongation of the material to ensure the pressure resistance of the bottle cap during use, reduce breakage and reduce scrap rate.

3. The dimensional accuracy of the aluminum bottle cap needs to meet relevant standards, especially in terms of diameter, height and thickness. Precise control of these dimensions is essential to ensure the sealing and stability of the bottle cap.

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